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Dr. Nicholas Atanasoff: Battling the Opioid Epidemic

Dr. Nicholas Atanasoff Psychiatrist

· Dr Nicholas Atanasof,Nicholas Atanasoff,NicholasPsychiatrist,Psychiatrist

Dr. Nicholas Atanasoff joins countless others in the battle against opioid epidemic sweeping the United States. Dr. Nicholas Atanasoff prescribes addiction medications carefully and with great pause to avoid simply switching addictions for his patients. He listens to their needs and their afflictions with great care to find the perfect treatment options tailors specifically for each of his clients. Dr. Nicholas Atanasoff doesn’t prescribe the common medication for opioid addiction buprenorphine unless it’s necessary and ready to help a patient beat their addiction in a manageable way.

Dr. Nicholas Atanasoff works with all kinds of patients dealing with a wide range of chronic illnesses and addictions. He stands at the forefront of an opioid epidemic in his community that threatens the ways of life for many people. Dr. Atanasoff does his part to help his patients kick their habits and take their lives back with careful treatment.

Dr. Nicholas Atanasoff knows the harrowing statistics of the opioid epidemic and works tirelessly to fight back.